Social Media Referrals Drive Small Business Growth

This really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has ever given any thought to business marketing in Florida or anywhere else for that matter. Consumers are more likely to trust a recommendation from a friend or acquaintance than advertising when it comes to trying a new product or service. To be specific, they are 71% more likely according to […]
Five Common Mistakes That Can Kill Your Ecommerce Business

There are millions of websites out there offering ecommerce services, but have you ever stopped to wonder why some succeed while others fail? We have years of experience with business marketing in south Florida and over those years, we have discovered many ways to minimize the risk of your business failing. Of course there are as many reasons behind the […]
New Study Shows that Facebook Marketing Works

Facebook has been the social media option of choice among consumers and those of us in the South Florida business marketing arena for quite some time now, but there has always been a question concerning the effectiveness of the integrated ad system offered by Facebook. Over the past few years, a myriad of studies have appeared showing Facebook marketing effectiveness […]
LinkedIn Investigating Security Breach

LinkedIn is an important part of any plan for business marketing in Florida, and we highly recommend it to our clients on a daily basis. However, as of this morning they’ve proven that even they are not beyond the reach of enterprising criminals who troll the internet for fun and profit. Researchers at the U.K. internet security company Sophos say […]
WordPress vs. Drupal vs. Joomla: Content Management System Overview

To the average Internet user, the work and effort that goes into a website is something that commands little thought as long as the information or entertainment that they desire is easy to find and use. However, to the people who design and maintain these websites for a living, and to a growing degree the people who hire them to […]
SEO 101

If you do a Google search for SEO or Search Engine Optimization, you will be instantly rewarded with millions upon millions of hits. Many people who are new to the internet have no idea what Search Engine Optimization even is; let alone what it’s used for. However, understanding SEO is one of the most important keys to any business who […]